Ahad, 3 Oktober 2010


(1) Threaten Human Health

As a result of environmental pollution, human health is also affected. In our country today such as the of cars has increased rapidly in the 1950s and 1960s than previously. Unfortunately, the technology of manufacturing of motor vehicles has caused many problems such as air pollution, environmental damage and natural wildlife. Production of monoxide gas is a tonix gas that can kill if retained in a closed area. Another kind of element that can be produced through the use of a motor vehicle is a type of lead is very toxic chemical and can cause brain damage, especially among children. A part from that, as occurred in Minamata Bay, Japan, toxic pollution into the water causing symptoms of numbness and tingling, numbness, headaches, blurred vision and expression that is not correct. Some end up with paralysis and died there. Symptoms caused by mercury poisoning has involved hundreds of fishing families. It is known as Minamata disease.

(2) Threaten plants and animals

The effects of the pollution occurs not only experienced by human, but also affect other wildlife. The impacts of pollution that killed many marine organisms in the shallow waters of the effects of oil spills into the sea. When oil spills occur with many near the coast it forms a layer of oil is threatening marine life and birds. Spill were also affected plankton growth and fertility. The impacts are considered chronic anomalia, the enlargement of the body and which is not normal behavior, and less immune to the use of water rescouces. As another example poisoned effects of mercury, a strange incident occurred in Minamata Bay, Japan, where the birds are flying suddenly plummeted from the sky. Cat walk unstable with a mouth-foaming, then ran and died uncertain.

(3) Property damage

Pollution caused by natural factors like volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, earthquakes, etc., substantially affected by the destruction of property. As an example of a volcanic eruption events that occurred in Indonesia, volcano has resulted in property damage to bend. This is caused by hot lava produced by the mountain. Among the property damage that occurred was the destruction of human habitation and infrastructure in the affected areas. 

Create by Unaishah ( A123067 )

6 ulasan:

  1. In addition, in the pursuit of national development and improving living standards of population, economic activities and development projects in a country can not be avoided by humans. Humans are often ignoring the environmental problems arising from the implementation of economic activities and development projects. Negative effects caused by the process of development and modernization in a hurry is more urgent and profound impact of pollution. That is, all the negative effects of this increasingly threaten human health, economic resources and the independence of the earth.


  2. when a pollution,all people can get sick such as fever and etc. now we must take our body and our environment.


  3. Now we can see, when there is contamination of the earth to heat up. water to dry and many people are sick.So we as humans must take care to avoid environmental pollution.love our earth.


  4. But, we also know the most important thing is we remember to do something and take responsibility to protect our environment and make sure this poluttion can be reduce from now....

    Zurina Zakaria...

  5. Yes, i agree with Sya, air pollution can effects to materials in the urban environment. Such as soiling has long been regarded as a problem, originally the result of the smoke from wood or coal fires, but now increasingly the result of fine black soot from diesel exhausts in urban environment.


  6. In addition, other effects than as described by Unaishah in this blog,there are have some other effects, such as pollution can create problem to food production, can reduce the oxygen in the water system, effect on climate, effects on plants and living organisms. So, we must do something to solve this problems from now...

