Khamis, 19 Ogos 2010




Environment pollution is caused due to over-use of natural resources, presence of a large number of people and livestock in congested areas, use of agrochemicals, setting up of factories, running of automobiles, burning of fuel and etc. A change in the environment due to pollution also affects the ecological balance. Environment pollution is caused both ins rural and urban areas. Pollution can cause sickness and discomfort. It's also affects the productivity of natural resources, such as land, water, forest and livestock. We can prevent environmental pollution if we understand its causes.

create by Nor Sharizah Bte Abd Razak  A124314

7 ulasan:

  1. we should be realize that the pollution cause from we must to cooperate protecting the environment become worse.
    we should think about the young generation, they also want to enjoy it..... :)

  2. thank are-in...I agree with your statement. Human act is a major source of environmental pollution.
    so, i think..Preserve and maintain the environment is the responsibility of everyone because we need to rely on natural resources to ensure a better quality of life. No matter how actively the initiatives undertaken by the government, if people do not listen and does not have consciousness, everything would be meaningless. Bak kata pepatah ‘muafakat membawa berkat’.


  3. Hai, are-in and unaisyah...hope both of you still in good condition. I also agree with your opinion about poluttion that its major occur from human activity. As we know,pollution is damage done to land,air, and water. For example, some causes of land pollution occur when improper disposal of trash creates land pollution.Chemicals used by farmers and on lawns seep into and pollute the ground. But, people
    can stop using harmful chemicals or use
    less of them. Besides that,human activities cause air pollution with manufacturing, burning fossil fuels in homes, factories, and vehicles, and raising livestock.Humans also cause water pollution with dumping wastes and waste water into rivers and lakes, heat from factories and power plants, oil spills,chemicals in waste water, and chemicals used by farmers. Its true that many humans activity caused that pollution of the environment and affect the country's future.
    -zurina a123555-

  4. If by history, environmental problems have existed since the history of human civilization began. The difference between now and the first is in terms of size and extent of environmental damage. Since the days of the industrial revolution in Europe again, people have been exposed to chemicals and dust-dust in the art of food, drink and the air is inhaled. Only after the middle of this century, when environmental damage occurs with the more widespread, people become more aware of a new source that could bring disaster to their own civilization, namely ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION. Since then the environmental problems began to receive attention, and then given a focus and a more in-depth study.

    Excerpted from the book "Environmental Perspective" by Mohammad Ahmad Badri.


  5. same to me..i agree with are-in..every day we can see at any place all people like put the rubbish not into the basket. i'm so sad...:-(

    how the next generation can life with the environment pollution.

    hope we not make pollution and love our environment


  6. For information, water pollution is any chemical, physical or biological change in the quality of water that has a harmful effect on any living thing that drinks or uses or lives (in) it. When humans drink polluted water it often has serious effects on their health. Water pollution can also make water unsuited for the desired use.


  7. Here, pollution can take many forms. The air we breathe, the water we drink, the ground where we grow our food, and even the increasing noise we hear every day. This all contribute to health problems and a lower quality of life. So, we must take action about environment issues of pollution and give possitive attitude to solve it.

